Turning the Value Prop into an Intriguing Proactive Statement
Do you struggle with an answer when someone asks you what you do for a living?
Does your value proposition fall flat, leaving little room for continuing the conversation?
Are you ready to turn your “value prop” into a truly valuable business builder?
When becoming an advisor, you were probably told to prepare a value proposition – an elevator speech. Its purpose was to prepare you to share what you do with others. However, most value propositions sound canned and fall flat, leaving listeners unmotivated and uninformed as to why they would want to do business with you.
In this presentation you’ll learn how to create a value proposition that deeply connects with and profoundly affects prospects and clients at a conscious and unconscious level. You’ll no longer stumble to respond when asked, “What do you do for a living?” Instead, your succinct value proposition message will excite and inspire prospects to want to know more, and then propel them to take action.
The inspiring value proposition you share with friends, family members, social acquaintances and COIs will motivate them to share your story with people they know, driving even more business to your door.
Featured in Every Presentation
The Kelley Group’s information-packed presentations provide proven strategies that can be immediately implemented to help professionals at all levels climb the success ladder. Roleplay and Q&A are included to ensure concepts taught can be instantly integrated into an advisor’s daily practice. Additionally, worksheets and supplemental materials are provided to encourage ongoing execution of learned strategies.
The Impact of Coaching
Unsure of the hard returns on coaching and training? See the results of this 2021 study on Client Acquisition Results.

About Sarano Kelley
By the age of 23, Sarano was working on Wall Street earning more than $400k a year. Before the age of 30, he was a million-dollar producer. While many speakers can only talk the talk, Sarano has walked the talk.
Sarano is the “trainer of choice” for some of Wall Street’s largest firms and was rated the #1 speaker by the Securities Industry Association at Wharton School of Business. His programs have been touted in the media for helping professionals move beyond their limited paradigm of growth to embrace a new business model based on expansion.
Sarano and business partner, Brooke Kelley, are co-authors of the best-selling book “The Game: Win Your Life in 90 Days” and the landmark book “Reversing the Deal Flow.” Both books are the basis of his successful speaking and coaching programs.
Sarano has appeared on “Good Morning America” with his bestselling book which has been made into two television shows. In 2020, a landmark PBS documentary was produced about Sarano’s work which was featured on CNN, CNBC and Fox Business.
Number #1 rated speaker, best-selling author, renowned top performance coach, White House media skills trainer, television personality Sarano Kelley is an industry icon.
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